Ozobot Robot Review

Ozobot Robot Review – Intro ➨ :

Ozobot Robot ReviewOzobot Robot is a cute tiny smart robot, measuring about 1-inch height and diameter. It comes with an impressive photo sensor array for recognition of patterns, lights, colors, and codes, an automatic detection functionality for physical and digital playing surfaces, and color sensing technology. The release date of the Ozobot Robot is expected to be sometime in 2014.

Who Would Buy This:

People can spend hours and hours playing their favorite mobile games. This is especially true for avid gamers. However, experiencing a bit of monotony is going to be unavoidable, so it will be up to the users to find a way to break it.

The Ozobot Robot offers a totally different – and undeniably fun – way of playing, and its array of features makes it the perfect gaming companion for gamers of all ages, experience, and skill levels.

Things We Like About Ozobot Robot

Ozobot Robot ReviewThe diminutive size of the Ozobot Robot is one of the many things we like about it. At only about 1 inch height and diameter, it looks tiny, but it sure packs a lot of features and capabilities in such a compact package.

The Ozobot Robot can automatically detect playing surfaces, whether it is a physical surface or a digital surface. Therefore, it can work not only on the LCD of a tablet, it can also work just as well on top of a drawing paper laid out on top of a flat surface! But what is truly impressive, other than its versatility when it comes to playing surfaces, is how seamless the transition is when it moves from a digital surface to a physical surface, or vice versa. In fact, the Ozobot Robot is so smart that it can understand and respond to more than a thousand sets of instructions. We already think it rocks, for the simple reason, that it can track lines, patterns, and even light and colors, using its photo sensor array. With such color sensing technology, which causes it to react and respond to colors, makes it even more irresistible. It would come as no surprise at all when gamers will now require an Ozobot Robot whenever they play.

Things We Did Not Like About Ozobot Robot

The 40-minute battery life may be quite short for some gamers, especially the hardcore ones who spend hours and hours playing their favorite games. Even the charge time, which takes 40 minutes to charge it up to 100%, is quite a long wait, especially when you consider that, at full charge, it can only operate continuously for 40 minutes. Many would say that its “Quick Charge” function is not so quick, after all.


At the moment, there are still no announcements on applicable product warranties and guarantee for Ozobot Robot.

Is Ozobot Robot Worth The Money?

Ozobot Robot is definitely worth the money, especially when you take into account its many features and how it makes the whole playing experience even more interactive and pleasurable.

Where To Buy Ozobot Robot?

The Ozobot Robot is sure to be available at the official site, as well as other online merchant sites including Amazon, eBay and others.

Final Conclusion on Ozobot Robot

In order to make the most of your gaming or playing experience, having the Ozobot Robot on hand certainly won’t hurt at all!

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